
  • 发布日期:2023-04-06 14:01:21
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  • 来源:灌浆料网


 Guangxi Road & Bridge Engineering Corporation (GRBC) is a state special-grade enterprise for general contract of highway engineering construction. The company is qualified to undertake contracts of bridge, sub-grade, pavement, municipal public facilities engineering. GRBC has passed the authentication of quality management system, environmental management system, occupational health and safety management system. The company mainly engages in construction of all types of highways, bridges, city roads, and traffic facilities; as well as investment of infrastructure.


There are seven subsidiariesbranches and a four-star hotel under the company, by which form a pluralism industry structure. The capital of the company reaches RMB 1.3 billion Yuan. With more than 2000 sets of engineering equipments and a provincial level laboratory, the company retains an annual turnover capacity of RMB 5 billion Yuan. GRBC is recognized as a well-equipped and fully reinforced contractor in the country.

公司现有员工4000余人,其中各类技术人员3000多人,其中一级项目经理(一级建造师) 220人、二级项目经理(二级建造师)160人,高级职称310人、中级职称800余人,并拥有一大批技能型人才。

GRBC employs more than 4000 staff; among them more than 3000 are technicians of all works. There are 220 First Class Constructors, 160 Second Class Constructors in the company. 310 of the staff process senior title and 800 of the staff process middle title. 


GRBC had developed steel strand inclined-haul bridge installing system, which resolved the technical problem for large-span arch bridge installation without scaffold. Benefited from this system, the company had successfully constructed a bridge with the then largest arch span in the world—Yongning Yongjiang Bridge. After that we had completed some important bridge with international reputation such as Guangxi San’an Bridge, Wuhan Jianhan Bridge, and Hangzhou Fuxing Bridge, etc. Subsequently we win the second prize of National Scientific Technology Advancement Award. Three construction method developed by the company had been approved as national grade normalized construction methods. The west-China communication science and technology project “Study on key technology of design, build and maintenance of steel tube concrete arch bridge” leading by GRBC have reaches world advance level. In highway concrete pavement construction we had made innovations and reach the highest level in the country; especially the levelness control technology of the cement concrete.

近5年来,公司完成工程合同项目近500个,合同履行率达100%,竣工工程优良品率达95%以上。共获38项国家及省部级优质工程奖,被各级单位授予 “工程质量管理先进单位” 、“全国优秀施工企业”、“全国用户满意施工企业”、“全国建筑业首批诚信企业”、“五一劳动奖状”等荣誉称号。所承建的杭州市复兴大桥荣膺2005年度鲁班奖、2006年度詹天佑奖。凭借雄厚实力、精湛技术、优秀管理、丰富经验,总公司大举进军海外市场,并成功开拓了越南、孟加拉国、厄瓜多尔等国市场。

In the recent five years, GRBC had undertaken more than 500 contracts with 100% fulfillment. Over 95% of the completed contracts have reached the excellent class quality standards. We had won 38 national and provincial level quality awards and won the title of “Model Enterprise of Engineering Quality Management”, “National Excellent Construction Enterprise”, “May 1 Labor Award”, etc. The work of Hangzhou Fuxing Bridge won Lu Ban Award (the highest quality prize in Chinese construction industry) in 2005 and Zhan Tianyou Award (the highest technology prize in Chinese civil engineering) in 2006. With its’ abundant resource, fine technology, excellent management, and rich experience, GRBC has not only success in domestic market but also made remarkable achievement in Vietnam, Bangladesh and Ecuador.


GRBC will unswervingly pursue the principle of “Excellent Quality, High Efficiency, Honesty and Loyalty”, sincerely supply our service for traffic infrastructure construction home and abroad. 

地址:广西南宁市中华路17号    邮编:530011
电话:(0771)2108328 2108222   传真:(0771)2108333  E-mail:zbxzb@gxlq